Arts & Theater

Arts & Theater

Thinking Outside the Black Box

Larger Theatre Companies With Buildings Requesting a larger company’s actual stage is a huge ask, and often not financially practical for small companies...

Arts & Theater

Contemporary Circus in NYC: New Audiences and Global Connections

US audiences have been slow to awake to circus’s recent (r)evolution. Gone are the tired old stunts, ethically questionable human displays, clown cars,...

Arts & Theater

Indigenous Theatre Reclaims the Center at Minneapolis’s Guthrie Theater

The centering process even inspired visual modifications to a deeply established performance venue. The interior design of the Guthrie Theater includes a series...

Arts & Theater

Why the American Theatre Needs Nobel Laureate Jon Fosse

Jon Fosse is one of only a handful of playwrights to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature out of 120 people in...