Never Grow Up – Memoir – News

  On January 21 and 22, Jackie was in New York to promote the English version of his memoir, Never


Green Hero Art Exhibition in Utah – News

  On January 26, 2019, the Jackie Chan: Green Hero Art Exhibition officially opened to the public at The Leonard


《龙牌之谜》The Mystery of Dragon Seal Premiere Press Conference – News

On August 12, 2019, Jackie Chan attended The Mystery of Dragon Seal 《龙牌之谜》Premiere Press Conference Event in Beijing alongside actresses


Charity in Action – Huai’an, Hebei – News

On September 7, 2019, Jackie Chan took part in a charity movement to help eliminate poverty in China. Last month,


British Academy Britannia Awards – Worldwide Contribution to Entertainment Award – News

On October 25, 2019, Jackie Chan was honored with the Albert R. Broccoli Award for Worldwide Contribution to Entertainment at


Dragon Boat Ambassador – News

On Wednesday May 5th, Jackie attended the Dragon Boat Performance Event demonstration in support of the Dragon Boat competition in


Beijing Winter Olympics Torch Relay – News

  The second day of the Beijing Winter Olympics torch relay continue along the Great Wall, with Jackie Chan and


Hong Kong’s 25th Handover Anniversary – News

On the evening of July 1, 2022, Jackie Chan attended the Hong Kong SAR 25th Handover Anniversary Grand Variety Show