Kim Kardashian‘s sharing her real-life “American Horror Story” — a freak accident that left her with a broken fingertip, exposing her crushed bone! And, that’s no exaggeration.
The gory pics of Kim’s injury were shown on the latest episode of “The Kardashians” … and she painfully describes closing her bathroom’s sliding door, while getting distracted by her son Saint.
Kim explained the door had no latch, so she usually pulls on the inner mechanism while holding out her left hand to stop the door from slamming shut — but while tending to Saint, she didn’t, and slammed the door extra hard … on her fingers!

Kim says she hit the floor immediately … grabbed a table and got to her knees because all she saw was blood, and went into shock.
Here’s how ya know how gruesome this truly was for her — she described it as being “more painful than childbirth.”
With her fingertip sliced off, Kim immediately rushed to the plastic surgeon … and the doc warned her there was a possibility her nail might never grow back.
Of course, you know Kim — she joked she’d invent a nail implant if needed.