Start gathering items to fill a shoebox for a child in need via Operation Christmas Child!

Operation Christmas Child

While we all know that Christmas isn’t really about the gifts, Operation Christmas Child provides kids in need with surprises they wouldn’t have otherwise received. Families like yours can participate by preparing a package of small gifts for a child in need! Operation Christmas Child will be collecting these packages starting November 18, 2024.

If you like to find ways to give back and make a difference around the holidays, you’ll love this inspiring and affordable way to make a child’s Christmas extra special. Plus, with Christmas still a ways away, it’s a great time to scout some deals and start gathering these small gifts!

girl stacking Christmas presents

It all starts with a shoebox! You can simply take an average-sized shoebox that is cardboard or plastic. Make a $10 donation to receive a label to attach to your box. This label indicates the gender and age range of the child that should receive your box.

Then, pack it up with one medium to large “wow” gift and fill the rest with small gifts. It is recommended to include a personal note and photo as sometimes these are the child’s favorite things to receive!

Come holiday season, drop your box off at any participating church or drop-off location during National Collection Week, which runs from November 18th through November 25th. They will take care of sending it out to a child in need. You can also opt to mail your own box if you’d prefer. You can even track it with a donation-based label to see where your gift is delivered!

operation christmas child

Look for special Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes at Hobby Lobby!

Hobby Lobby offers special red and green totes for purchase for just $3.99 in their online store. You may also see these in-store as Christmas approaches!

If you’re already shopping at Hobby Lobby, then this could be the perfect opportunity to add a few shoeboxes to your shopping cart and make some more personalized gifts for kids in need.

people with masks on packing Operation Christmas Child boxes

Start collecting your gifts for Operation Christmas Child 2024 now!

Collection week for Operation Christmas Child 2024 is November 18–25, so it’s time to start filling boxes with small gifts now! These gifts can include toys, non-liquid hygiene products, school supplies, and other thoughtful items. Check out this helpful list of gift ideas for more suggestions sorted by age and gender.

Don’t forget to also include a personal note and photo. These are among the children’s favorite things to receive!

list of items not to include in Operation Christmas Child boxes

Operation Christmas Child Boxes. Two kids, each holding a box.

Our Hip Sidekick, Melinda, has been involved with Operation Christmas Child for quite some time!

Here’s what she had to say about her wonderful experience: 

“I’ve spent many years packing Operation Christmas Child boxes from the comfort of my home in the U.S. This was something my family and I loved to do through our local church. I enjoyed the experience of packing these boxes. It was so fun for my kids to find creative items for the boxes. We would include a picture of our family and personal notes in the boxes, too. We started tracking the boxes and got to see which countries they ended up in.

Then, we became missionaries in Jamaica. After four years of living in Jamaica, we were given the opportunity to help distribute hundreds of Operation Christmas Child boxes. Can I tell you the JOY these boxes bring children?! It was absolutely amazing, heartwarming, and so fulfilling getting to see in person the difference these simple boxes made to these dear children. What a privilege to play a small role in this ministry.

Now that we live in the U.S. again, we’re already planning the boxes we will be packing in the coming weeks!”

Need some inspiration? Here are some affordable ideas for your Operation Christmas Child boxes that you can order or buy in-store:

1. Kid’s toothbrushes

toothbrushes on display in a store

Starting at just a couple of bucks, you can scoop up some much-needed essentials like a toothbrush. Kids are always in need of small hygiene items, so don’t forget to throw in these must-haves.

2. Paintbrushes & paint

Crayola Oval Paints

Affordable paints and other art supplies are great additions to your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.

3. A deck of cards

deck of playing cards

A deck of playing cards can give a child countless options for games and even some learning too! Whether they’re playing WarSpoonsGo Fish, or Solitare, a deck of cards comes with endless possibilities and no language barriers.

4. Coloring books & crayons 

hand holding a box of mondo llama crayons

Kids can enjoy coloring books and crayons anywhere! Not only will they get to express their creativity on paper, but they can also share their masterpieces with others.

5. A flashlight & batteries

6 colorful flashlights

At first glance, a flashlight might seem like a practical gift. But if you’ve ever handed one to a kid, you know that they can be a whole lot of fun, too! Reading in the dark, playing flashlight tag, making shadow puppets – the possibilities are endless! Be sure to throw in some batteries, too.

6. A bag or backpack

white drawstring bag

These inexpensive drawstring bags are such a versatile gift! Kids of all ages can use them to carry their belongings to school, to visit family, or while out and about in their community. They’re sturdy, they’re highly-rated, and they come in a variety of colors and patterns.

Be sure to check for inexpensive backpacks with the school supplies at Dollar Tree, too. We’ve seen them there for just $1.25!

7. Stickers 

pack of colorful stickers on sheet

A pack of stickers won’t take up much space in your shoebox, but they’ll add a lot of fun to your gift! Kids will enjoy sharing them with their friends, too.

8. Add a highly sought-after gift idea like Squishmallows!

Hand holding up a Bubble Tea squishy plush toy in front of other plush

Operation Christmas Child suggests adding a “Wow” item to every shoebox, and a miniature Squishmallows is the perfect surprise to delight any kid! We often see the small ones priced at around $5 at retailers like Walmart, Walgreens, and Five Below.

9. A jump rope

jump rope hanging on peg at Target

Every kid should have a jump rope for outdoor fun and fitness! They’re easy to pack in a shoebox, too.

10. Sunglasses 

display rack full of various pairs of kids sunglasses at target

Since you don’t know where in the world your donation will be shipped, gifting accessories can be tricky. Should you send mittens or flip-flops?! A good alternative may be sunglasses since UV protection is important in any climate!

Check out our other toy deals!

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