• N.A. conceived the study, led the analyses and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. B.F. led the development of the bioinformatics pipeline and contributed to the first draft of the manuscript. B.H. participated in project coordination, participated in sample preparation and commented on the manuscript. P.S. contributed to the development of the bioinformatics pipeline and commented on the manuscript. I.P. acquired data, participated in project coordination, participated in sample preparation and commented on the manuscript. C.A.A.-T. contributed to trait-based analyses and commented on the manuscript. N.R.A. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. U.V.B. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. T.B. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. G.B. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. S.N.B. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. T.C.B. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. G.L.B. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. S.B.-H. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. C.B. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. L.C. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. E.K.C. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. E.C. participated in sample preparation and commented on the manuscript. S.C. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. L.P.D. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. N.d.V. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. M.-L.D.-L. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. M.A.K.D. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. I.B.D.J. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. B.L.F. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. M.F.d.J. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. G.S.G. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. G.W.G. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. A.A.G. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. A.G. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. H.G. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. P.H. contributed to data processing and commented on the manuscript. R.H. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. J. Hansen acquired data and commented on the manuscript. L.H.H. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. A.D.M.T.H. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. S.H. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. I.D.H. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. J. Hultman contributed to the development of the bioinformatics pipeline and commented on the manuscript. K.D.H. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. N.A.H. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. N.I. contributed to the planning and implementation of DNA extraction and sequencing and commented on the manuscript. P.K. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. D.K. participated in project coordination, participated in sample preparation and commented on the manuscript. A.K. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. I.K.-G. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. J.K. facilitated data acquirement and commented on the manuscript. M.K. contributed to the planning and implementation of DNA extraction and sequencing and commented on the manuscript. N.L. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. E. Lecomte acquired data and commented on the manuscript. V.L. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. E. Lundin acquired data and commented on the manuscript. A. Meire acquired data and commented on the manuscript. A. Mešić acquired data and commented on the manuscript. O.M. contributed to data processing and commented on the manuscript. N.M. contributed to the planning and implementation of DNA extraction and sequencing and commented on the manuscript. P.M. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. J.M. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. R.H.N. facilitated data acquirement and commented on the manuscript. P.Y.C.N. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. J.N. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. B.N. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. V.N. participated in data interpretation and commented on the manuscript. C. Paz acquired data and commented on the manuscript. P.P. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. D.P. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. G.P. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. J.-M.P. participated in project coordination, participated in sample preparation and commented on the manuscript. F.P. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. C. Potter acquired data and commented on the manuscript. J.P. contributed to data processing and commented on the manuscript. S.P. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. A. Rafiq acquired data and commented on the manuscript. D.R. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. N.R. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. A.R.R. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. K. Raundrup acquired data and commented on the manuscript. Y.A.R. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. J.R. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. H.M.R. participated in project coordination, participated in sample preparation and commented on the manuscript. A. Rogovsky acquired data and commented on the manuscript. Y.R. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. K. Runnel acquired data and commented on the manuscript. A. Saarto acquired data and commented on the manuscript. A. Savchenko contributed to data processing and commented on the manuscript. M.S. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. N.M.S. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. S.S. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. C.S. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. E.S. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. S.V.S. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. I.S. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. L. Tedersoo acquired data and commented on the manuscript. J.T. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. L. Tipton acquired data and commented on the manuscript. H.T. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. M.U.-P. participated in sample preparation and commented on the manuscript. M.v.d.B. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. F.H.v.d.B. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. B.V. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. S.V. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. S.R.V. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. X.W. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. W.W.W. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. S.N.W. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. S.J.W. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. C.Y. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. N.S.Y. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. A.Y. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. D.W.Y. acquired data and commented on the manuscript. E.V.Z. contributed to the planning and implementation of DNA extraction and sequencing and commented on the manuscript. P.D.N.H. contributed to the planning and implementation of DNA extraction and sequencing and commented on the manuscript. T.R. conceived the study and contributed to the first draft of the manuscript. O.O. conceived the study, contributed to analyses and contributed to the first draft of the manuscript.

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