Prepare for Halloween early with these spooky Lowe’s Halloween Decorations! 👻

Halloween animatronics at Lowes - Haunted Sea Captain and Sea Diver

Hurry over to where they just dropped some new spooky Halloween decorations including animatronics from Lowe’s new Haunted Harbor line, Disney Haunted Mansion animatronics, and last year’s favorite Reaper musicians, 12-foot tall Mummy, and more!

These Halloween animatronics are likely to sell out quickly, so don’t wait!

Halloween animatronic of a headless woman in a black dress

Halloween animatronic of a tall Grim Reaper playing a guitar

Halloween Animatronic Grim Reaper playing the drums

Halloween animatronic Grim Reaper playing the keyboard

Halloween animatronics at Lowes - Haunted Sea Captain and Sea Diver

Halloween Animatronic - Sea Witch

Halloween animatronics at Lowes - tall Mummy and Scarecrow

caretaker animatronic holding lantern in haunted house

halloween zombie on ladder against house

black halloween skeletons in yard

zombie doll animatronic in haunted hallway

black witch animatronic in cemetary

jack in the box animatronic in near haunted staircase

two witch animatronics stirring cauldron in haunted room

Looking for more Halloween deals? Head over here…

About the writer:

Misty has been writing professionally and creating engaging, helpful content online in a variety of niches for over 15 years. When she’s not writing up the latest and greatest deals for Hip2Save, you’ll find her doing DIY projects around the house, rewatching a favorite comedy series for the 20th time, or traveling & exploring new places.

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