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Save big during the Adidas shoes sale for the whole family, plus get free shipping!

pair of white adidas sneakers with black strips on top of their shoe box

Through July 30th, head over to adidas.com where you can score 30% off when you buy 2 or more pairs of shoes with the promo code SAVINGS at checkout! Plus, this code even applies to sale items!

Even sweeter, adiClub members (free to join) score free shipping on any purchase!

You can score some hot deals on shoes for the family, but sizes are selling out quickly so don’t wait to check out with your finds. 🔥

Check out a few deals you can score:

pair of olive green adidas slides and a single blue adidas massage slide

kid's adidas shoes, 1 in white with primary color accents and the other in solid white

adidas kids shoes - 1 white and black court style, 1 solid black sneaker

adidas women's shoes - 1 solid white running shoe and 1 black and white platform sneaker

adidas men's shoes - 1 solid white running shoes and 1 tan, grey and black running shoe

About the writer:

Misty has been writing professionally and creating engaging, helpful content online in a variety of niches for over 15 years. When she’s not writing up the latest and greatest deals for Hip2Save, you’ll find her doing DIY projects around the house, rewatching a favorite comedy series for the 20th time, or traveling & exploring new places.

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