Microbiologist wins case against university over harassment during COVID

A court has awarded microbiologist Siouxsie Wiles NZ$20,000 (US$12,000) in damages.Credit: Photographers Inc. A New Zealand court has ruled that


how institutions can help academics at the late career stage

Julie Gould 00:09 Hello, and welcome to Working Scientist, a Nature Careers podcast. I’m Julie Gould. This is the fourth


What Twisters gets right — and wrong — about tornado science

When Hollywood producers showed up a few years ago at Sean Waugh’s office, he couldn’t wait to show them his


The Napoleonic tweets, Books in brief

Accidental Tim James Robinson (2024) Science often progresses through step-by-step discoveries. But major breakthroughs still happen. Science writer Tim James


‘It’s hard to find an argument against it’

Changemakers This Nature Q&A series celebrates people who fight racism in science and who champion inclusion. It also highlights initiatives


3 ways climate change affects tropical rainforests

This post was updated on December 8, 2020. Not everyone lives in a tropical rainforest — but everyone benefits from


3 things you didn’t know trees did for you

Without forests, life on Earth as we know it would be unthinkable. Regular readers of this blog know that forests


What on Earth is a ‘non-timber forest product’?

In this installment, we break down “non-timber forest products,” which benefit humans, and ultimately, the forest itself. What is a


Like to dive? New course will train you to be a ‘ghostbuster’ of the sea

Editor’s note: Throughout the world’s oceans, a silent plague is snaring marine life and smothering seafloors. Ghost nets — commercial


New study cracks mystery of how ‘walking’ sharks split

A type of shark that has long captivated scientists and divers for its preferred mode of underwater travel — walking