Have a Lovely Weekend. | Cup of Jo

What are you up to this weekend? Our team came to Seattle, and now I’m spending the weekend with my


The Many Lives of My Zillow Alter Ego

This summer, on my family’s first international trip together, I was taking a solo walk through Ireland’s Killarney National Park.


A Scavenger Hunt Parenting Hack

The other day, Anton and his friend were lounging around the house. “There’s nothing to doooooo,” they lamented. “We’ve done


I Love My Kids, But…

Hallie Bateman is an author and illustrator based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her next book, a collaboration with her mom called


What Are You Reading Right Now?

I was looking for something to read at the bookstore McNally Jackson the other week when I saw Willful Disregard


Have a Beautiful Weekend. | Cup of Jo

What are you up to this weekend? I’m driving to Vermont to pick up Anton from summer camp, and I


How I Taught My Kids to Chat at Dinner

One thing I realized very quickly after my marriage ended was… …that kids don’t always kick off deep conversations during


Have a Beautiful Weekend. | Cup of Jo

What are you up to this weekend? I’m staying on the North Fork with some friends, and I’m excited to


Seven Women on Choosing to Move to a Different Country

At Cup of Jo, we’ve talked about many different living setups, including living alone, downsizing, sharing a house and, of


Are You Watching the Olympics?

Have you been watching the Olympics? I love following it both on TV and through comedians’ eyes on Instagram. Today