How a Witch-hunting Manual & Social Networks Ignited Europe’s Witch Craze

The sudden emergence of witch trials in early modern Europe may have been fueled by one of humanity’s most significant


Celtic Symbols Unearthed at San Vicenzo, Spain

Excavations conducted over the month of September at Castro de San Vicenzo in Plane, Ourense, Spain, has led the uncovering


Solving the Victorian Housing Crisis

In 1866 James Hole, a writer from Leeds, called for ‘a little wholesome despotism’ in tackling the problems of housing


Monumental Unearthed at Battle of Malazgirt Site

In addition to the 700 plus objects unearthed exactly a year ago, and along with arrowheads discovered in the last


US President or American Caesar?

The prospect of a second Donald Trump victory in November’s US election has widely been seen – at least by


AI Finds 303 New Nazca Geoglyphs, Revealing Their Purpose

The astonishing Nazca Lines of Peru are one of the true wonders of the ancient world. The figures they form


The Roman Catholic War on Wigs

A rather unusual petition from October 1716 is tucked away in the pope’s diocesan archives in the basilica of San


‘After the Flying Saucers Came’, ‘Think to New Worlds’ and ‘How to Think Impossibly’ review

In June 1947 Kenneth Arnold was flying a small plane over Mount Rainier in Washington when nine bright objects began


El Niño Linked to Earth’s Largest Mass Extinction

Mega ocean warming El Niño events were key in driving the largest extinction of life on planet Earth some 252


Aliens and the Enlightenment | History Today

For millennia everybody knew that human beings enjoy a privileged, unique position at the centre of the universe. That self-confidence