What’s the Difference Between Simple and Complex Carbs? A Dietitian Explains

We’ve all been there — the 3 PM call of the vending machine. You’re feeling the mid-afternoon slump, and even though


What to Eat for Breakfast If Trying to Achieve a Calorie Deficit

Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day, and it’s true that breakfast eaters tend


What a Dietitian Wants You to Know About Artificial Dyes

Candy-colored cereal. Neon pickles. Wasabi peas. Many popular foods get their eye appeal from artificial dyes. Artificial dyes are just


What People Eat Around the World on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world as a day to honor love and connection. Beyond flowers


Introducing: Weekly Habits in MyFitnessPal!

We believe progress happens in the small steps you take every day. That’s why we created the Weekly Habits tool—a


Protein Pizza Cookie

Ever get the craving for an ooey gooey protein pizza cookie? We’re with you on that one.  Fortunately, we have


5 Unexpected Foods (& Drinks!) That Keep the Philadelphia Eagles Flying High

When you think of the food that powers a winning football team, you might picture massive plates of steak and


People Get Heart Disease Younger Than Ever Before. Experts Explain Why.

Heart disease has long been America’s number one killer, but it’s not just a concern for older adults anymore. Alarming


Protein Calculator: Discover Your Daily Protein Needs

By now, you’ve heard about the power of protein. It’s the magic macronutrient that helps keep you full and preserve


100 Years of Fad Diets: Experts Weigh In

Diet trends have come and gone over the years. Some were quirky, others had dangerous restrictions.  Who hasn’t heard of