Use Orbit to Better Track and Manage Your Subscriptions

The new app Orbit wants to help you visualize exactly where you’re spending money on subscriptions. To begin, you will


The Criminally Fun Vegetable is Back in Turnip Boy Robs a Bank

In the comedic-adventure with roguelike elements, the turnip is steaming up with the Pickled Gang to rob the Botanical Bank.


Steppin Helps Earn Your Social Media Use One Step at a Time

The premise of the app is simple. You can choose what apps you’d like to limit access to. Thanks to


Sonuby Is a Weather App for Outdoor Enthusiasts and Athletes

The weather app can provide a custom forecast for ski/snowboarders, surfers, and skydivers. After downloading the app, you can choose


Survive a Post-Apocalyptic World in the Adventure Game Nocturnals

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, you’ll follow Ted as he navigates and explores the abandoned town of Ruddleside. He finds


5 Great Apps to Help You Keep New Year’s Resolutions

Most of us will make New Year’s resolutions. But most of them will fall by the wayside come mid-February. Here’s


AppAdvice's 25 Best New Games of 2024

It should come as no surprise, but 2024 was another wonderful year for iOS gaming. As usual, there were tons


5 Best Apps for New Apple TV Users

CARROT Weather provides users with a sleek, minimalistic interface, comprehensive forecast reports and details, and humorous, sarcastic comments. You can


5 Great Cocktail and Drink Apps

Martinis, mojitos, merlots, and more. Whether a fancy cocktail or tasty wine is your favorite, these drink apps will have


Celebrating Another Year of #WeArePlay

Posted by Robbie McLachlan – Developer Marketing This year #WeArePlay took us on a journey across the globe, spotlighting 300