Articles By This Author


US nursing student’s killer guilty of murder

An undocumented immigrant has been found guilty of murdering nursing student Laken Riley in a case that became a flashpoint


regional centres drive China’s progress

A strengthening research climate has seen Chinese cities rise to take the top three spots in this year’s leading science


Broadly inhibitory antibodies to severe malaria virulence proteins

Miller, L. H., Baruch, D. I., Marsh, K. & Doumbo, O. K. The pathogenic basis of malaria. Nature 415, 673–679


Research output gathers pace in China

With its continued focus on sustainability and ecological protection, China is cementing itself as a leader in Earth and environmental


Half of the top 20 science cities are now in China — and regional city growth is the key

China’s cities are playing a key role in the development of specialist technologies such as solar energy.Credit: Yaorusheng/Getty Many of


Photocatalytic low-temperature defluorination of PFASs

Evich, M. G. et al. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the environment. Science 375, eabg9065 (2022). Article  CAS  PubMed  PubMed


Coupling of unactivated alkyl electrophiles using frustrated ion pairs

Carbon-based frameworks constitute the backbone of organic molecules that are used in applications ranging from pharmaceuticals to materials. Thus, the


Genetic defects of brain immunity in childhood herpes simplex encephalitis

Gnann, J. W. Jr & Whitley, R. J. Herpes simplex encephalitis: an update. Curr. Infect. Dis. Rep. 19, 13 (2017).


US institutions power country’s growth

Due in part to strong institutional collaborations and industry presence, the United States has maintained its lead in health sciences,


Combining quantum processors with real-time classical communication

Circuit cutting The gates in a quantum circuit are quantum channels acting on density matrices ρ. A single quantum channel