Articles By This Author


NASA finds secret ice base in Greenland

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How to stop plastic pollution: three strategies that actually work

Nature, Published online: 27 November 2024; doi:10.1038/d41586-024-03860-x Countries are meeting to agree the first ever global treaty on curbing plastic


Let the data talk: embrace exploratory research

Attending a psychology conference this month, I was struck by an unsettling trend in social-science research. The abstract book revealed


eight ways to show gratitude at the end of year

Lab members in John Tregoning’s group share dinner to celebrate the year’s publications.Credit: John Tregoning A small wad of cash


Limits on foreign students are harming research, universities warn

Immigration rules restricting the number of foreign students in some countries are putting universities under pressure. From the United Kingdom


Porsche is holding on to gas cars for a bit longer

Porsche is not ready to turn in its gas caps for charging ports just yet. The company reportedly plans to


2024 Holiday Gift Guide: Women

A rollneck sweater for her to cozy up in, $62, plus leather gloves (she can still send you flirty texts


7 Scorching Money Hot Takes That Will Make Your Financial Advisor Cringe

Is frugality overrated? Is hustle culture a waste of time? Do we over–save for retirement? You don’t have to look


How safe is the US food supply?

Produce has been the source of many foodborne illness outbreaks in the US this year The Image Party/Shutterstock Apple sauce


Pestle Can Now Import That Perfect Thanksgiving Recipe from TikTok

The app has been updated to version 2.0 with a number of new features, including TikTok integration. Using on-device AI