Frankie Grande is jumping to Ariana Grande‘s defense over some viral cannibalism claims on TikTok — all cooked up to scare fans away from buying her concert tickets.
Ariana’s big bro took to X Thursday to fire at fans spreading rumors that cops found human remains in his sister’s starter house years ago … cackling over the crazy claims.

TikTok / @iamtrixievegas
If you haven’t seen the original TikTok, check it out … it’s a social media user making the claims without providing any sort of evidence to back up the point — but, some people took it as fact and started pushing the rumor anyway.
FG says the fans who fanned the cannibal flames have hit a more creative — and lower level — than they’ve ever gone … reaching deeper depths with each passing day according to the Broadway star.
Of course, Frankie wanted to hype up his family too … putting the focus back on her success, by adding, “Listen, I know my sister’s been eating the girls up for years but this a bit extreme!” before pointing out how she’s a vegan.

Worth noting, Ariana found herself in a cannibalism controversy last month … when she said during a podcast interview with Penn Badgley she’d want to have a sit-down with infamous cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer.

We broke the story … the family of Jeffrey Dahmer victim, Tony Hughes, blasted the pop star — saying she should apologize and adding it makes her seem “sick in her mind.”
As for actually eating human flesh, seems a step too far … and, Frankie’s making it clear Ariana’s only eating up people on the mic.