First up, you can now see the precipitation amount directly in the hourly chart. You can also add UV data and wind gusts information. Tap and hold any hour to view essential details.
Any weather app is as only good as its data, and Mercury Weather has added a new option—Foreca. While Foreca is now the default option, subscribers can also choose from others.
With the new widget, you can also see the additional hourly data as a homescreen widget.
Weather warning in the main screen are now also prioritized by severity. The weather warnings also show dates.
Mercury Weather is a free download on the App Store now. It’s available on the iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and Apple Vision Pro.
You’ll need a subscription to unlock all of the app’s features. That’s available for $2.99 per month or $14.99 yearly. There is also a lifetime unlock available for $49.99. Family plan subscriptions are also available.
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